

创明遮阳陈凌云收获颇多 赞张默闻嫡传班物超所值








广东创明遮阳科技有限公司 陈凌云


Chuangming Sunshade Chen Lingyun harvest a lot

Prasied ZMW Personalized class worth the value

Thank you Teacher Zhang, after the two days class we had a more clearly idea about how to operate the enterprise, and I more firmly about something. In addition to the two years in the University, I did not work outside, so I cannot understand the feeling of working. Whether it's the current company or the company of the future, I'm sure it will have a huge difference when we plan it good. After those several month contact with Teacher Zhang, I have a deeper experience about operate enterprise.


As for the organizational structure, in fact, L-Best company this year including last year, I put forward 3 cultures: one called “home” culture, one called "school" culture, and the other "army culture". In fact, these two years by reading books and friends introduce of HUAWEI company, I understand a lot more. I hope to be able to make a similar company like HUAWEI company, because I know how to share, but sometimes share too much, there are some problems. In the equity set part, Chuangming company, we succeeded in the joint-stock system, but now why is it slow? Directly related to the stock system, of course, we are exploring this period, the stock reform, we are thinking of this thing.


In the brand operation part, we had listened two days lessons of Teacher Zhang. We talked about brand the whole morning of yesterday, other courses have no direct relationship with the brand, teach us something beside the brand,  but these things are very important to the enterprise, it is very important, including hiring personnel etc.. By the end of last year,  I fired only one employee in 20 years, so I did really good in using people, generally will not take the initiative to get rid of people, try to use him and raise him, if I  really can not cultivate it, he will leave by himself. Because I think no one is perfect, just use his good points.


Indeed, I have had a great harvest in these two days. Thanks again, sir. Thank you, Teacher Zhang!


Guangdong creates sun shading technology Co., Ltd. Chen Lingyun


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