

固象段启全放下偏见要合作 佩服张默闻做策划有真功夫








浙江固象防水技术有限公司总经理 段启全


Guxiang Duanqi let go of prejudice, cooperate, admire Zhang Mowen, do planning, have real skill


Originally, I am biased about the whole case marketing and the whole case plan, I apologize to Teacher Zhang here!


Why do I say this, for example, my business from the outside to ask a person to help me with my plan, I always think so: you have my business and do not understand, you do not understand this industry, what do you help me to do the whole case, what do you do for me? For example, I want to help him, he is a business owner, if I want to help him, I must do a very thorough understanding of his business, he for the industry to do very in-depth understanding, I can have the right to speak. So, I thought to do the whole case are all liars, my business - like solid company, hire a case company to help me to do, I said you do not understand my industry my organization, my staff, my team and I don't know your potential customers. What you gave me to do the planning, I think I know better than you.


However, through these two days of learning, through the communicate and the course with Zhang, I really realized that the case company does have its originality, good case company must be like teacher, like Zhang Mowen planning group. Mr. Zhang knows very well about the Tianneng, Jibai, L-Best, he will do a very deep understand. They will talk to his team, with his marketing department, with his clerk, with his boss, with his staff all very carefully, and then he will be able to do the whole case, so he was able to bring up Tianneng, Jibai, L-Best, bring the enterprise to the peak. But now I can't afford Teacher Zhang do the planning, my company is still very small. When my company making billions of dollars, I'll hire Teacher Zhang.


Another person I want to thank is Teacher Chen. Chen told me about the advertising and media, I have never heard of, I really do not know. Mr. Chen gave me a very good lesson. Thank you very much. Thank you!


Zhejiang solid image Waterproof Technology Co., Ltd. General Manager Duan Qiquan


© 2016 张默闻中美联合商学院集团学院地址:浙江省杭州市滨江区滨和路998号中赢国际1301/1302/1303浙ICP备2023015648号-1
